Datha Pugh was born on October 5, 1949. I was born seventy-one miles away on October 10, 1949. Both our families were enthusiastic followers of the teachings of Jesus.

Datha and I met for the first time when Datha’s father and mother came to preach a revival at the First Pentecostal Church where Corlis’s father and mother were serving as pastor. Datha was six weeks old, and I was five weeks old.
Our parents placed us in the same baby bed. As we were sleeping one night together, both of our fathers were standing over the baby bed thanking Jesus for their two children. As they mused together about the goodness of God, one said to the other; wouldn’t it be amazing when they grow up, they get married?

Eighteen years later, July 19, 1969, Datha Jo Pugh married Corlis Lee Dees II and Reverend J. T. Pugh and Reverend C. L. Dees performed the Ceremonial Covenant.
January of 1971, we packed our car and drove from Houston, Texas to Dayton, Ohio to preach our first revival out of the State of Texas. It was very cold, we had three feet of snow that winter, but Jesus gave us a remarkable revival. From that first revival until now, which has been over fifty-three years Jesus has given our family protection and blessings.
For the fifty-three years Jesus has blessed us to become the owners of four businesses and pastored three churches. We have traveled to Mexico, South Korea, Hawaii, Washington, New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado, Utah, Michigan, Wisconsin, Virginia, North Carolina, Georgia, New York, Washington, D.C., Maine, New Hampshire, Red Lake, Canada, Spain, Italy, Israel, Turkey, Greece, Malta, and Abu Dhabi.
We have ministered in Columbia, S.A., Pennsylvania, Ohio, Alabama, Florida, Texas, Illinois, Indiana, Louisiana, New Brunswick, Canada and was appointed by Archbishop Mar Yohannan and confirmed by Archbishop Herrin to remain Archbishop in Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan for life.
We arrived in Pakistan in September of 2012, passing through Sahiwal, Pakistan and later permanently took residence in January of 2013 remaining until December 2015
Now let’s discuss you and your possible challenges.
- Who do you know that needs encouragement?
- Do you realize how valuable you are in your area of work?
More than likely, you are passing by hundreds of people everyday; men, women, teenagers, and children, who are very important to Jesus. Most importantly you are in a position to be able to influence hundreds of students.
Think for a few minutes about how fortunate you are to have a workplace. Is it possible you are there because Jesus has a particular mission for you to accomplish?
Who knows what your sphere of influence is on each human being who depend on you? You and I both know it is impossible for us to measure how important you are. My question to you is, “How can we help you excel in your love, joy, peace and happiness as you become a bright light to others? Surely, you can think of some way we could encourage, inspire, and partner with you in a way which would be a blessing to your life.
Our request of you is take some time to think about what we have written to you. Then, take the time to sit down and write us an email in response. Who is your best friend? Who is the smartest person you know? Who do you know that would be interested in helping others? Who do you know that has the tools to immediately change the economic problems facing the future generation? You may be either working with or pass by someone every day who has the solution and the know-how to change millions of lives… one person at a time.
Datha and I have a way to connect with millions of human beings by modern technology. We built this website for that purpose. We invite you to consider being a part of the team, if you wish.
Thank you for your precious time,
Archbishop Corlis Lee Dees II
Archdeaconess Datha Jo Dees